37-3313 茶筒 べっ甲 武蔵野 Luxury Tea Canister Vermilion Hibiscus
Easy-to-use size tea canister. "Musashino" featuring our most popular Raden-style butterflies.
(Actual size 88x88X92mm)
37-3313 茶筒 べっ甲 武蔵野 Luxury Tea Canister Vermilion Hibiscusは、海外でも人気の高い武蔵野の蒔絵デザインが施された茶筒です。贅沢な螺鈿調の蝶をモチーフにした美しいデザインは、使う度に気分を高めてくれること間違いなし。丁寧に手作業で作られた鼈甲塗りの茶筒は、使うほどに風合いが増し、長く愛用できる逸品です。
37-3313 Tea Caddy Tortoiseshell Musashino Luxury Tea Canister Vermilion Hibiscus is a tea canister with Musashino's maki-e design, which is popular even overseas. The beautiful design featuring a luxurious mother-of-pearl inlay butterfly motif is sure to lift your spirits every time you use it. Carefully handcrafted in tortoiseshell lacquer, this tea caddy will become more textured the more you use it, making it an excellent product that you will cherish for a long time.
Tea caddies are recommended not only for keeping tea leaves fresh, but also for interior decoration as tea utensils. As a decorative piece for the tea room, it is sure to make a great gift. Using a Musashino tea caddy will further enrich your time spent enjoying the tea ceremony.
When using a tea caddy, avoid humidity and direct sunlight, and take care of it regularly to prolong its life. We hope you will use these Musashino tea caddies to add color to your precious tea time.