37-0803 台付合せ鏡 黒 舞扇 Two Mirrors Set w Stand Colorful Floral Motif
実寸 270X140X23mm
Mirrors with a gorgeous colorful fan motif lacquer work that is popular as a gift for overseas.
Actual size 270X140X23mm
鮮やかな色使いと美しい蒔絵が施された「舞扇」のデザインが特徴の、37-0803 台付合わせ鏡 黒。後ろ姿も確認できる立て付きの合わせ鏡は、お部屋のアクセントとしてもおすすめです。洗練されたデザインと豪華な色彩で、海外からの注目も高いアイテムです。おしゃれなインテリアとして飾ったり、身だしなみを整える際に活用したりと、様々な使い方ができます。日常に華やかさをプラスしてくれる一品として、是非お試しください。
This black matching mirror with stand, 37-0803, features a “Mai Fan” design in vivid colors and beautiful maki-e lacquer. This matching mirror with a stand, which also allows you to check your back view, is recommended as an accent in your room. With its sophisticated design and gorgeous colors, this item has attracted much attention from overseas. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as as a stylish interior decoration or for personal grooming. We hope you will try it as an item that adds a touch of glamour to your daily life.
*Because the product is made by hand, there may be slight individual differences. Please use with care and place them where you want to place them.