36-1603 携帯名刺&カードケ-ス 黒 うさぎ遊 Portable Name Card Case w Rabbit
This cade case can store functionally.
It is also popular for overseas markets.
Also popular as a lucky charm.
ユニークなデザインの37-1603 携帯名刺&カードケース。日本の伝統的な技法である蒔絵を使い、二羽鶴のモチーフを描かれています。黒を基調にした上品なカラーリングで、ビジネスシーンや普段使いにもぴったり。さり気なく和のテイストを取り入れたい方におすすめです。
日本の職人がひとつひとつ手作りで仕上げた37-1603 携帯名刺&カードケースは、洗練されたデザインと高品質な素材であなたの魅力を引き立てます。和の美しさを身近に感じられるアイテムとして、ぜひお手元にお迎えください。
Uniquely designed 37-1603 portable business card & card case. The motif of two cranes is drawn using maki-e, a traditional Japanese technique. The elegant black coloring makes it perfect for business and everyday use. It is recommended for those who want to casually incorporate Japanese taste.
This business card & card case is an easy-to-carry size and convenient to carry. Cards can be stored stylishly while preventing loss or damage. Exchanging business cards at work or in your private life will surely be more enjoyable with this item.
Handcrafted by Japanese artisans one by one, the 37-1603 Portable Business Card & Card Case will enhance your charm with its sophisticated design and high-quality materials. Please welcome this item as an item that brings the beauty of Japaneseness close to you.
*Please handle the product carefully to prevent damage and stains.